Getting typed JSon in TypeScript using Weld

1. June 2013 20:32 by admin in .net, DRY, jQuery, MVC, typescript, Weld
Imagine you have a MVC controller exposing a Person as following: 

public JsonResult GetPerson(int id)
return Json(new Person
First = "Barack",
Last = "Obama"
Now I want to use this client side. I want to update my "first" span with the First property of the person I get back from the server. After messing around I came up with the following: 
$(document).ready(function() {
$.getJSON("/Person/GetPerson/", { id: 4 }, function(data) {
This took me five minutes to get right (which JQuery method? -> Google, how to pass data? -> find example, plus a typo in the first/First member). Five minutes of stupid getting right what should be trivial. Why not let the compiler help? So using Weld I change my server side method to this :
public JsonResult<Person> GetPerson(int id)
return new JsonResult<Person>(Json(new Person
First = "Barack",
Last = "Obama"
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); ;
Basically I wrap my JsonResult in a generic wrapper JSonResult<T> (included with Weld) so that Weld knows what type to expect. Next I add the AjaxMethod Weld attribute. Client side I use TypeScript and use the generated proxy class.  
/// <reference path="Weld/PersonController.ts" />/// <reference path="typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
$(document).ready(function () {
PersonController.prototype.GetPerson(2, (person) => {
Now person is a JavaScript object or a TypeScript 'any' type. No, Person is a fully defined TypeScript interface with a First and Last member just like my C# class. Here's the generated code:
/// <reference path="../typings/jquery/jquery.d.ts" />
class PersonController
GetPerson(id: number, callback: (data: Person) => any)
var url = "/Person/GetPerson";var data = { id: id };
url: url,
type : "POST",
data: data,
success: callback,
interface Person
First: string;
Last: string;
As always in the end there is still JavaScript code generated which you can easily debug. Weld code is simple and clean. Easy huh? And there are more benefits:
  1. If I remove or rename my action-method the TypeScript compiler will detect my breaking client side code at compile time. If you just use javascript you will (hopefully) find out at runtime.
  2. If I add or remove properties from my Person class my changes will cascade to the clientside immediately. 
  3. I get a nice interface clientside making code completion really work 
  4. No more Googling JQuery methods
  5. This is more DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). For example if you don't like JQuery you can build a Weld template using a different method. Regenate and you are ready
Weld is fully open source and can be found at