using jQuery File Ajax Upload plugin with ASP.NET

25. March 2015 21:37 by martijn in jQuery, jquery.fileuploader

Looking at the jquery fileupload plugin I noticed there wasn't a decent example of how to get it working in a webforms application. So I decided to share my little simple sample project with you. 


The project features:

  1. Selection of a file
  2. A separate upload button
  3. A progress bar


The project uses:

  1. Jquery file uploader
  2. Bootstrap
  3. Jquery 1.9.1
  4. Jquery UI for the widget (this seems a bit heavy but the demo breaks i
  5. A simple ashx handler for the server side

The ashx handler is very basic and you should probably expand it. I found some nice resources here but the project was not included for download. 

Download it here (2.27 mb)