Synching FileZilla settings using Dropbox

23. December 2013 11:28 by martijn in

I love Dropbox. One of the things it allows me to do is have setting files (keys/docs) synched accross my computers without any hassle. Combined with the sitemap.xml of FileZilla and I have easy access to my ftp accounts on all my machines. This howto describes how you can set up FileZilla / Dropbox so your sitemanager is stored on your DropBox.

So how can you set it up?

  1. First copy your FileZilla settings to your Dropbox. For me the settings files were stored in C:\Users\Martijn\AppData\Roaming\FileZilla. Copy the whole folder to your dropbox eg: C:\Users\Martijn\Dropbox\Filezilla
  2. Next we need to change the FileZilla defaults. There is a file called fzdefaults.xml.example in your FileZilla program files 'docs' folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\docs). Copy this file to the folder above (C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla FTP Client\) and rename it to fzdefaults.xml. FileZilla will pick up this file and use it to find the other configuration files.
  3. Change the Config Location key to point to your Dropbox FileZilla folder of step 1


That's it! Happy synching!